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  • Welcome to the Club, Can' Leandro

    We are very excited to announce that we have a new collaborator at ClubGastro. Say hello to Bodega Can' Leandro , a winery in Ontinyent. Owned by brothers Gabriel and Alberto Sanchis, Can' Leandro is a reflection of the traditional methods and grape varieties of this region. It is a tribute to the land and the grape, and a passion that can be felt in every sip of their very special wines. There is no need for a luxurious estate or a historic building, these wines are made in a functional industrial space, and why not? The history is in the land, the vines and the techniques. Resurrecting old strains and varieties such as Monastrell, Merseguera and Bonicaire, welcoming these wines back to their homeland in the Vall de Albaida. These wines are very special and we are very happy that Can' Leandro is part of the ClubGastro team, and we are looking forward to them organizing an evening and sharing their wines with all of you. Stay tuned for announcements of upcoming events, and spread the word about ClubGastro, which brings together the people and talent of this region. Welcome to the Club, Can' Leandro We are very excited to announce that we have a new collaborator at ClubGastro. Say "hi" to Bodega Can' Leandro , a wine making business right here in Ontinyent. Owned by brothers, Gabriel and Alberto Sanchis, Can' Leandro is a reflection of the traditional methods and grape varieties of this region. It is a homage to the soil and the grape, and a passion you can taste in every sip of their very special wines. No need for a fancy farm or historic building, these wines are made in a functional industrial workspace, and why not? The history lies in the land, the vines and the techniques. Resurrecting old vines and varieties such as Monastrell, Merseguera and Bonicaire and welcoming back these wines to their homeland in the Vall de Albaida. These wines are very special and we are so happy that Can' Leandro are now part of the ClubGastro team and we can't wait for them to host an evening and share their wines with you all. Stay tuned for announcements of upcoming events, and spread the word about ClubGastro, bringing together the people and talents of this region. Dessert and more. #ontinyent #wines #tourism #gastronomy #valencia #dessert

  • The First ClubGastro Evening - July 6

    Dear ClubGastro members. What a night we celebrated! The guests were about to arrive, everything was ready. The patio was decorated to perfection with lights and lamps, the tables were set with colorful tablecloths and beautiful candles. A moment of calm before the start of the opening evening of ClubGastro. Nervous, excited, we are ready. Wait… What is that noise? What are those clouds? What are those rays? Suddenly there was rain, so much rain! A year's worth of rain in one hour. We couldn't believe it. A disaster! No problem! People still came, thank God! And finally the rain stopped and the party started. We tried some spectacular natural wines from Cris Vanyo . How interesting and unique his wines are, I especially love the sparkling wine. Not to mention the stories behind the wines and how he makes them in his garage: it's incredible. Although, recently, Cris has bought his own small winery so, no doubt, we can expect even more wines from his hands in the future. Many thanks to Cris. And don't forget that all the wines you tasted that night, from Cris and from Bodega Angosto , can be purchased at Tenda Vins , Miguel's shop that represents all the local Valencian wineries and has a great selection in stock. After the tasting we had a hearty meal. I really enjoy cooking, especially for large groups of friends. However, I would love to maybe experience the food of a professional chef from one of the restaurants next evening or someone who wants to open their own restaurant and would like feedback on their developing dishes. There are opportunities for everyone at ClubGastro, so we're in touch in case you know someone who would like a platform to showcase their skills. Of course, after the meal came the music. And what followed: a party! Philippe picked up his guitar and suddenly our very own Mick Jagger was in the house. We dance We sing And we were invited to enjoy some improvised flamenco and also an Irish dancing class. How fantastic! What more could we want? More! Is the answer! During the evening we discussed possibilities for our future events. Ideas such as a meat night, hosted by a local butcher. A Japanese evening, showcasing the foods and traditions of this country. Or a wine and chocolate pairing session. A good idea for Christmas, isn't it? We will soon have dates for upcoming events and, as original members of the Club, you will take advantage of discount coupons. Finally, I want to thank everyone who came on the sixth, despite the weather, and for their enthusiasm for the Club concept. It means a lot to me, as a new girl in town, to make such good friends. Above all, friends who love to party. Don't forget to follow me on Insta @clubgastro_onti and subscribe to this newsletter if you haven't already. See you next time!

  • Wine and Chocolate, a Pairing

    We are very excited to announce the upcoming launch of ClubGastro! In the true spirit of collaboration and celebration of the amazing businesses we enjoy here in Ontinyent and its surroundings, this event brings together three impressive projects into one unique experience. From Fontanars, we welcome Bodega Daniel Belda , one of the most renowned wineries in the region. From the heart of Ontinyent, Cristina Sáez will surprise us with her recently opened chocolate and pastry shop Guïnda. We are very grateful that the newly opened Finca La Mixtura has decided to open its doors to host this very special event. More than just a wine tasting, this is a wine and chocolate pairing experience, presented in a beautifully restored castle, in the hills of Santa Ana, just outside Ontinyent. Have you ever thought about pairing chocolate with wine? It can be a surprising revelation that will make your taste buds thank you! Join us on November 23rd at 4pm to enjoy the wines, chocolate, surroundings and stories. €30 tickets included : Five tasting wines by Daniel Belda. Five chocolates by Cristina Sáez. Snacks provided by Finca La Mixtura. Located in an incredible place. Tickets are very limited, so make sure you get yours as soon as possible to make sure you don't miss out on a spot! Buy your ticket: To reserve your place, write to us at one of the four accounts or at 638456450 Tickets can be purchased in person at the Guïnda store, Av Albaida 15, Ontinyent. If you have any questions, please email: #wineandchocolate #wineandchocolate #tasting #wine #chocolate #callebaut #chocovic #sweet #ontinyent

  • Wine and Chocolate, a great pairing.

    Yesterday we celebrated three amazing local businesses in one event. Our wine and chocolate pairing experience connected Ontinyent’s new patisserie and chocolaterie, Guinda; the already established Bodega Daniel Belda from Fontanars dels Alforins, and the beautiful and recently opened hotel, Finca La Mixtura. It was a pleasure to see these three creatives working together to present a wonderful and, of course, delicious afternoon. Our guests tasted 5 wines and chocolates, followed by three delicious appetizers from the Finca's own Mélange restaurant. Finally, there was the opportunity to purchase wines and chocolates to take home. Due to the positive feedback from our guests, we are considering holding another such event in December. As ClubGastro subscribers you will be the first to know, and for those of you who couldn't make it yesterday, we might see you in December*. *Update: We are repeating the event on December 7th Our protagonists: Cristina Saez de Guinda Daniel Belda Winery The Mixture Farm Join ClubGastro #ontinyent #valencia #wine #winetasting #chocolate #hotel #events

  • Ever heard of "Garage" wine?

    Meet our first collaborator - Cristobal Vanyo of Cos a Cos wines. If you think you've seen and experienced everything your town has to offer, think again. If you really scratch the underbelly of your village, town, or even city, there are always some wonderful nuggets waiting to surprise and enchant. Last summer I discovered just such a nugget here in Ontinyent when I picked up a flyer, which although written in Valencian was unmistakably advertising a wine tasting in a very unglamourous municipal hall in the centre of town. Of course I was going to attend. Hosted by Cris Vanyo, presenting his range of natural wines made right here in Ontinyent. Using hand picked grapes from the terraces of the Vall D'Abaida, these wines are a true representation of the soils of this region. However there are no fancy bodegas or elaborate facilities, no, these incredible wines are entirely produced right here in the Llombo barrio of Ontinyent, in Cris's garage. Instead of hosting a parked Seat, this compact space is deliciously filled with fermenting barrels, ceramic amphoras and walls lined with bottles, rolls of labels and corks. All the trappings of a small, artisan production unit. The wines are wonderful, the stories are fascinating and Cris' passion for his art shines through. I'm really excited that he's agreed to be a collaborator and look forward to putting a date in the diary for him to host an evening at ClubGastro. If you haven't already make sure you subscribe to be the first to know when ClubGastro opens its doors. ¿Ha oído hablar alguna vez del vino de "garaje"? Conozca a nuestro primer colaborador: Cristóbal Vanyo, de los vinos Cos a Cos. Si cree que ya ha visto y experimentado todo lo que su pueblo puede ofrecerle, piénselo otra vez. Si realmente escarba en los entresijos de su pueblo, ciudad o incluso urbe, siempre hay algunas pepitas maravillosas esperando para sorprenderle y encantarle. El verano pasado descubrí una de esas pepitas aquí en Ontinyent cuando cogí un folleto que, aunque estaba escrito en valenciano, anunciaba inequívocamente una cata de vinos en una sala municipal muy poco glamurosa del centro de la ciudad. Por supuesto, iba a asistir. El anfitrión era Cris Vanyo, que presentaba su gama de vinos naturales elaborados aquí mismo, en Ontinyent. Con uvas recogidas a mano en las terrazas de la Vall d'Abaida, estos vinos son una verdadera representación de los suelos de esta región. Sin embargo, no hay bodegas lujosas ni instalaciones elaboradas, no, estos increíbles vinos se producen íntegramente aquí mismo, en el barrio Llombo de Ontinyent, en el garaje de Cris. En lugar de albergar un Seat aparcado, este espacio compacto está deliciosamente lleno de barricas en fermentación, ánforas de cerámica y paredes forradas de botellas, rollos de etiquetas y corchos. Todos los adornos de una pequeña unidad de producción artesanal. Los vinos son maravillosos, las historias fascinantes y la pasión de Cris por su arte es evidente. Estoy muy contento de que haya aceptado colaborar con nosotros y estoy deseando apuntarle una fecha en la agenda para que organice una velada en el ClubGastro. Si aún no lo has hecho, suscríbete para ser el primero en enterarte de cuándo abre sus puertas ClubGastro.


Tel: +34 628 587 810

Carrer D'Amunt 30, Ontinyent, 46870, Valencia, Spain

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© 2024 Number 30. 

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